I have a dilema… it’s my own fault, because I haven’t been completely honest with you.  To be blunt, I’ve been “lying by omission.” I have no idea if you’ve noticed that I have not been on a date since October.  My goal for creating this site was to give me accountability… to get out of my comfort zone and push through bad dates because I had “you” to answer to.  You haven’t gotten on my case, which is fine.  It’s not your responsibility.  But, I’ve been using it as a cop-out.  I figured if you didn’t notice, I could disappear back into my comfort zone (which is definitely where I’ve been for the last 4 months).

I got some amazing coaching from Joanna Garzilli (I’m in her Big Miracle Breakthrough Program). I shared my desire to find a serious relationship, and that I’d broken a commitment to myself (and you, though I didn’t mention my commitment to you) about going on dates.  She asked me a series of questions, and then gave me an assignment to make a list of all of the men who have lied to me/changed into someone they weren’t when we first met.  She also asked me to make a list of the lies I tell myself about dating/relationships. I came up with quite a few “beliefs/lies” about dating/relationships/men…

I also realized I’ve been “lying by omission” to you and to myself.  Out of the 13 people I dated, I had 3 REALLY BAD EXPERIENCES!  Bad enough to make me satisfied with remaining single for the rest of my life (Okay, that’s another lie… but it feels true sometimes).

I lied by omission for two reasons:

1. To protect the guys.  Even though they are anonymous to you, some of them read the blog and I wanted to be kind.  My motto has been, “I only focus on the positive.”

2. BIG LIE: I’m not really doing it to protect them, I’m doing it because if I go off on some of the crazy Sh*T these guys do and say, other guys will be afraid to ask me out for fear I will rip them apart.

So, now it’s time for me to get back to it.  And my question is… “To tell or not to tell?”

Do I share full disclosure, the good, the bad, and the quite possibly insane? Or do I keep the blog an “entertainment piece” and what happens on my dates is for me to use on my blog at my comedic expense, but not at the expense of the guys’ feelings?

As my loyal reader, which do you think serves the bigger purpose?

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