“You’ve never been married? What’s wrong with you?” I get that question a lot. Ironically, from guys who have been divorced like 4 times. But I’m starting to recognize what might be wrong with me.  I’m a frickin’ work-o-holic.  Now when I was dating Bohdi, I was very balanced. It’s when I’m not dating someone that I throw myself into work.

I’ve clocked more hours in my “Apple office” in the past month than many of the Apple employees. Look at my sweet set up! I started editing my videos in iMovie but was convinced to upgrade to Final Cut, so now I’m learning Final Cut and it is SO FUN!!!

The staff at the Apple store have affectionately recognized me as the “Norm” of the store… if only I could get them all to yell “Jess” when I walk in. One of the trainers is already answering to “my Apple Husband.”  He must get that a lot because it didn’t phase him when I said it.

But seriously, in the past two days alone, I went to my Apple office from 11:30am-6:15pm,  went home walked/fed my dog, ate dinner, watched two tv shows, went to bed and was back at the office at 8am. By 4, one of the guys asked how I was doing and I couldn’t remember if I’d seen him already that day or if I had seen him the day before.

And worst of all, I don’t blink because I’m concentrating so hard. But, yesterday, I was working on a Keynote presentation that happened to have a slide about this site, and I was reminded that I needed to get a life!

So, today I went back on line, apologized to a few guys who I’d left hanging, responded to a few new ones, and it’s time to get back on track… after all, as much as I joke that my laptop is my husband, he’s not going to to take me fishing… actually, he’s not even a “he,” he’s an “it.” I really need to get out of the “office” and meet a man!!!

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