A title with three seemingly random topics, yet, they are all intricately intertwined, and all add to the only part of dating that I consider humiliating–

Online dating.

I HATE IT!!!  In fact, every person I speak to who does it, says, “I’ve had it with these losers, tomorrow I am taking my profile down.”  And every person I know who hasn’t done it in a while says, “Might try Match 1 LAST time!!!!!!” (and that was a direct quote from a text, though I won’t reveal my source).  And everyone who marries someone they met online says, “I swear, my membership was about to end and I wasn’t going to renew, and on the last day she reached out to me.”

Being the romantic that I am, I always get suckered in by the later. Perhaps I should join a membership site for three months and not go on until the 90th day.

There is an eerie feeling that I get when I’m online dating, that wherever I go men are looking at me differently, kinda like, “Hey… isn’t that the girl from Match.com? It’s a weird look, a mix of “I know personal stuff about you,” and “Bitch! Why didn’t you write me back?”

On Wednesday, my paranoia was confirmed. I went out line dancing with some friends and a 60+ year-old-man was giving me the weird look. I turned in the other direction but he walked up to me and said, “I’m Tony,” and shook my hand with strong conviction. I told him my name. He started making small talk, then said goodbye to my relief.

Ten minutes later he came back. “Jessica!” he said.

“That’s my name,” I replied.

“I bet you don’t remember mine,” he challenged. I told him I wouldn’t take that bet. “Come on, there’s a breakfast cereal character named after me.”

“Ah, Tony.” I obliged him.

“You’re good at guessing.”

“I’m grrrrrrrrrreat!” I said, using full Tony the Tiger arm gesture in the hopes he would think I was a goofball and go away.

“I recognize you from Plenty of Fish,” he smiled mischievously giving me that eery feeling.

At this point, I’d had enough. “You’re on POF? Good luck with that.” I said, and turned back to my friends.

It’s bad enough when people you don’t know recognize you.  But one of the main reasons I have avoided Match this time around, is because I’ve finally been in town long enough, that while looking though the profiles (they let you take a sneak peek without joining) I spotted at least 20 local guys I know, none of whom I’d date, and all of whom I fear would write to me if they saw me on there.

And what made the whole online dating even more disconcerting was while reading some of their profiles I uncovered lie after lie after lie. But, how do you really judge an online profile. What’s worse, flat out lying like the one guy who claims to be a “social drinker” and is actually a fall down drunk raging alcoholic, and physically violent toward women when he is. I’ve suffered a few black and blues just being around him when he’s drunk, OR misrepresentation by omission?

Take me for example. I can’t tell you how many guys have read my profile and told me I seem like the perfect woman. And I suppose I am… if the only criteria was what I offered in my profile. But what if the guy likes a woman who does typical “women stuff?” Then I am faaaaaaaaar from perfect.

Take for example exhibit A: My mom taught me to do laundry before I went to college, so I’ve been doing it for a long time. And yet, just four days ago, I washed my favorite pair of white knock-around baggy pants, that hung perfectly on my hips, revealing the ab lines

I’ve worked for since I was 18… and now they’re pink.. PINK! So here it is– I can’t do laundry! I can’t cook! I can’t sew! I kill everything I plant, even Pothos plants which can apparently live on bong water and cigarette butts! I don’t like decorating! I don’t like shopping! And I’m a raging workaholic (though I am really working on the last one, the others.. not a shot).

Are me and my pink pants equally as bad as the guy who puts up a profile pic from 1989? Or the guy who claims to be 48 when he’s really 57? Or the guy who says he’s 6′ when he’s 5’3… did he think I wouldn’t notice? I mean fudge an inch, but 9 inches? Dude, I said I was 5’4″ in my profile, in flats I’d be looking down at you. That’s a noticeable height lie, and I specifically said that height was not a deal breaker, so if you’d told the truth, I wouldn’t have cared. But having a pathological liar for an ex, (which I left out of my profile) has left me wary of someone who leads with a lie.

Which leads me back to my online profile dilemma.  This is my third time online dating and the first two times did not go well, so I need your advice.   Am I technically lying by omission if I’m only sharing my very best, most celebrated qualities? Do I need to add a little frame of reference for the full spectrum that I bring to the table? Give it to me straight loyal readers, as I wait to discover who will be date #7…

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