Have you ever wanted to go visit a new city in a state you’ve never been to?  Have you ever agreed to go to that city on a first date with a guy you’ve never met?  Well, now I can say I have.  I’ve agreed to be flown to a new city that I’ve always wanted to visit, for a weekend with a guy I’ve never met.  Crazy?  I don’t think so.  He’s my close friend’s cousin, and I’ve heard about him since I was a kid.  She always looked up to him.

He got in touch with me for the first time on July 29th.  At the time he didn’t realize I was in Florida (he’s in NY) but that didn’t deter him.  Since then we’ve been talking and texting everyday.  It almost feels like we’re in a relationship already.  So much so, that I felt a little guilty going out with George, but my other friend talked reason into me… “You haven’t even met the other guy yet, just go out with George!”

I did, as you all know from my last two entries.

I’m really excited about my weekend getaway though!  He’s made all the arrangements, all the plans… which leads me to my Tweetable:

“Sometimes you just gotta fly by the seat of your pants” @50FirstDatesG

… and a seat on Southwest airlines 🙂

What I especially like, is that I’ve already fallen for his personality through talking to him, and though I have an idea what he looks like (he always sends pictures of himself from far away with sunglasses and hats), it really doesn’t matter because I’m already “in like” with him.  I know, I know… don’t set my expectations too high, but I can’t help it.  He doesn’t play games, he says what he’s thinking and he’s extremely thoughtful.  All qualities I look for.  So as long as he doesn’t call me a C-word or punch me in the face, the odds are stacked in his favor.

I leave Friday and get back Sunday.  My mom wants to know if he got us separate hotel rooms… I don’t know… flyin’ by the seat of my pants.

Next time you hear from me, you’ll know how it went.  Will Date #12 be it?  Will George call even though I didn’t sell him my leased car?  Will I really have to go on 50 of these things? These questions and more answered.. as my world turns.

What’s the craziest thing you ever agreed to on a date?

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