Wow! As a girl, I didn’t see this coming. I suppose I should have, but I didn’t. I’ve been putting the word out to friends to set me up, explaining my 50 First Dates concept. Apparently, for as much as I’ve always wanted the romance of the movies, guys have equally wanted to live the life of a Superhero, Action Star, or Spy.

Perhaps their movies are being swayed, knowing that I’m going to be blogging about the dates and instead of using their true identity, I will only be referring to them by their “movie character’s” name.

My first date is with James Bond, and he’s practically giddy about it! I mean he is super excited that he got the first date and will from here on out, be known to you, my readers, as Bond.

Now that I write it, he’s right. That’s pretty cool! I don’t imagine I’ll have many Revenge of the Nerds date requests… who wants to be publicly referred to as Booger?

A question that keeps coming up is, “What happens if you meet “the One” on date number 18?” (The number changes depending on who’s asking, but you get the drift.) THIS is a high-class problem. I expect to meet many amazing guys, and I plan to go on multiple dates with some. I hope with all of my heart that I DO meet the One. And when that happens… well lucky for me, Guy Ritchie did a film called Swept Away and Kathy Hoffman, is an amazing website designer who can have a new title up in no time 🙂 .

Another question is, “What are you looking for in a man?”  This is always hard for me to answer because when I’ve met guys with whom I’ve connected, it just felt right… But that’s not enough to give you to go on, so understanding that chemistry is something that is either there or isn’t there, here’s a starting point: The man I’m hoping to meet is a gentleman who is kind, intelligent, can make me laugh, and lives a healthy lifestyle.  He is successful at whatever career he has chosen for himself, but understands that life outside of work should be filled with the same motivation and passion he has for his job.  And most importantly, he should have a life he loves living now, with friends and family surrounding him.  I don’t want to be the thing that makes his life good, I want to be the addition that makes his good life great!”


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