Did you know there are 13 locations in the movie you can visit in Singapore? Ask your TRAVEL AGENT
In Crazy Rich Asians, Rachel, unbeknownst to her, falls in love with a crazy rich guy. When he proposes she is introduced to his world where she does NOT fit in. Her fiancé’s family does their best to drive her away from the man she loves who embodies the qualities and values that make her happy.
As you pursue your career, are you happy?
I find with the clients I coach, while they love what they are pursuing they do not like the pursuit. This causes a great deal of angst in the form of “I’m running out of time,” “This isn’t working,” “Everyone’s telling me to give this up,” “I’m not making enough money…” I could go on, but if I haven’t hit yours on the head, I’m sure it popped up in your thoughts.
I’ve been very focused on your mindset. If you read my last article, it was all about focusing on the “what if” scenario and whether you’re thinking of the worst that could happen or the best possible outcome.
Today’s mindset lesson is geared toward how you make your decisions. Do you let others intimidate you or reason you out of a decision that would make you happy? Do you let their concerns for your well-being cause you to doubt your self-worth and abilities? Do other people’s opinions mean more than your happiness?
Think of something you really want to accomplish in your career. Got it? Okay. Now, what are the reasons others would say it’s not going to happen for you? I know it’s painful to think about, but if you don’t face them head on like Rachel faced her future mother-in-law, they can unconsciously and consciously stop you from joyfully pursuing your dream. And, yes, the journey can be filled with joy if that’s what you want. But like Rachel you’ve got to stand up for yourself and your dream, even if you’re doing it secretly.
I say that because I don’t coach you on how to change someone’s mind, I teach you how to react to their negative mindset about your dreams. If you are standing up for yourself in your mind, you will be happy, even when the haters hate. Basically, you have a secret, it’s a knowing that “you’ve got this!”
For a year I used the mantra Something Great is Happening Today, I Can Feel It… and every time I said it I felt a burst of excitement. What can be your happiness mantra that encapsulates your belief in yourself and your dream? When someone tries (even with the best intentions) to discourage you from pursuing what makes you happy, you can say your mantra over and over in your head, so their words are repelled and you feel that tingle of joy in your heart.
The only way to fail is to quit. Don’t let others steal your happiness.
In the end, Rachel, decided her happiness with Nick was what mattered to her, and with that inner belief and strength she created her happily ever after.
To your success,
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PS Another guessing game. What do you think our newest product launch will be this week? I think it’s going to target the teen demographic in regards to acne. THESE are the same Doctors who created Proactiv, so if I’m right, this is going to take off like wildfire!! Do you have a teen in your life? Know anyone with teens? Want to watch the launch live with me? Here’s the invite, but you must reply to this email to get put on my VIP list 🙂