THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT; How to Make a Tough Day Great!

In The Butterfly Effect, Evan goes back in time to try to change the future for the better, with unexpected consequences each time. The butterfly effect is the phenomenon whereby one little action (the flutter of a butterfly) magnifies over time into a huge effect in...


Don’t be fooled by Facebook Kate Reddy, a finance executive who is the breadwinner for her husband and two kids in the movie I Don’t Know How She Does It, looks great to the world. Constantly she hears, “I don’t know how you do it,” because on the outside she looks...

ABOUT TIME; Inspiration in Magical Places

  In the movie About Time, when Tim Lake turns 21, his father tells him a secret: The men in their family can travel through time. Tim can have a “life do-over” whenever he wants. What a concept! And what incredible life lessons I took from this romantic dramady....

Did I Learn Nothing From THE BIG CHILL?

Every time I hear, “Heard it Through the Grapevine”, “You Make Me Feel”, “I Second That Emotion”, or “Joy to the World”, I’m immediately transported back to the raggedy rust orange futon, where I’d watch The Big Chill over and over, in the den of my childhood home. It...

Jurassic World; What Motivates You to Take Action?

In Jurassic World, Claire is uptight, and all business. That’s because she’s overseeing a theme park, which features living, breathing dinosaurs. When a dinosaur breach occurs, she tracks it, making plans, keeping an eye on containing the problem. But when she...

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