You know that moment when you’re driving to meet a first date for yoga on the beach.. under the HOT, blistering sun, and you put your left arm up to rest on your driver’s side window only to remember, “Dang it! I forgot to put on deodorant.”  And date four is off to a great start…

Salvadore, is a certified yoga instructor and thought it would be romantic to do yoga on the beach.  (Note to readers: I find guys who are into yoga very sexy.)

He suggested I drive to his house which is across the street from the beach and we would walk.  I agreed.  What I did not expect was for Salvadore to meet me at his guest spot, and then ask me to come inside his house because he had to get his stuff together.  (Note to readers: being invited into a strange man’s house within 30 seconds of meeting him- NOT sexy!)

Reluctantly, I followed him in, keeping a two arms length drag behind him. I quickly walked over to the large dining room table because as a child I was great at winning the “chase around the table game.”  He got his towel and two beach chairs, and then as he made small talk, my childhood skills kicked in.  He would walk toward me and I’d nonchalantly walk in the other direction. Then he’d walk the other way around the table to grab a back pack and I’d walk the opposite way. I felt like the black and white cat trying to escape Pepe Le Pew. Don’t get me wrong, he was not creepy. The fact that all the books he had around were Agatha Christie and various murder mysteries, was a little creepy… but I digress.

So far, Salvadore was nothing more than a polite gentleman asking good “get to know you” questions, while packing a little picnic for us.  I was impressed that he planned for my gluten free eating needs. He grabbed a few activity toys to play with, and we were on our way.

He set up our beach chairs and then we headed up to where the sand was fairly firm and laid out our towels for yoga.  It was a beautiful setting, though I was working more on balance than my poses because my feet kept sinking into the sand.  At first, Salvadore was simply calling out sun salutations, but after about 5 minutes, he was off of his towel and adjusting me. “Encouragement.” (If you haven’t seen Couples Retreat you must google the yoga scene video). Before I knew it, I was in pigeon and Savadore was on top of me pressing on my thighs and shoulders. “Boom… boom.” (Again, you must see that movie scene). Now, I’ll admit, it was quite presumptuous on his part to be all over me like that on a first date for a half hour or so… but who’s counting.  To be honest, my favorite part of yoga classes is when the teachers are touching me. Male, female… I don’t care. It feels great! So, I let Salvadore do his thing. “Boom.. boom.. encouragement!” It only got weird when he was bringing the yoga session to a close and had me go into Shavasana (for non-yogis, you are lying on your back in “corpse pose” with your eyes closed). I had completely relaxed and was enjoying the sensation of the warmth of the sun, when out of no where, he planted a wet kiss on my forehead.

I don’t know, it didn’t kill it for me. It was kind of sweet, but on the other hand, a blindsiding kiss is not the greatest move on a first date. But I recovered and the date went on.

Know what’s hard to recover from? Getting hit in the eye by a high speed Waboba. I get it. His teenage daughter won’t play with him at the beach (did I mention he’s about a decade older than me?), but I’m still a girl.  While he may have a MLB pitcher fantasy going on in his head, I am not Jorge Posada, and he was throwing fastballs! He couldn’t help but express his excitement about finally having someone to throw the Waboba with in the ocean, but frankly, I didn’t get what all the hype was about. From the moment he busted out the thing (which I thought was an updated version of a hacky sack), he continued to share his disbelief that I’d never heard of nor seen one. Call me crazy, but if I’m going to get excited about playing a game with a guy at the beach, it’s going to involve a football, volleyball, or maybe even a frisbee. Trying to see how many times you can make a Waboba “skip” on the water… ehh. I went along with it because he was truly having a blast, until he whipped the thing into my face. I was just glad to have an excuse to end the game of not-really-catch.

He made up for the ball blunder by pulling out not water, but coconut water… fancy schmancy!  So, no Dirty Virgin drinks were consumed on this date, but coconut water was in abundance. Unfortunately, for him, his daughter interrupted our about-to-be picnic, because she needed to be picked up from the mall earlier than he’d expected.  We walked back to his place and he went inside.  I waited outside. He invited me in.  I declined.  He reached in for a goodbye… I-don’t-know-what, because I quickly maneuvered it into a hug and was off.

We texted for a few days after the date. I was still on the fence. He felt too old for me, and by “felt too old” I mean, I really couldn’t imagine kissing him.

And there you have it… bring on Date 5!


I know… it’s been a while, but getting dates is NOT easy!! I’m not complaining.. simply filling you in on my absence.

I was asked out on a bowling date.  Now I am invited to bowl once every three years and therefore have never scored over a 50, but it didn’t stop me from saying yes. After all, this is about what the guy I’m going out with thinks is fun. It has been determined that I can have fun in a paper bag, so off I went.

This was a completely blind date. We didn’t speak on the phone, had never met before, and knew no one in common. All I had was his picture and his date idea. The good news is, I recognized him from his picture. He kind of looked like Bon Jovi with really short hair… which is not a bad thing (I know a few of my sorority sisters are squealing at this). The other good news is that he had both of his hands.. that’s a Kingpin joke.

We greeted each other and he got me my shoes. He helped me pick out my ball and insisted on “ladies first”. I warned him that I was a terrible bowler and it was not beneath me to start cheating should my score be too low.

First ball… right down the gutter! Fantastic! But Roy came up behind me (yes like that..) and showed me how to adjust my wrist and which arrows on the lane to aim for, and what do you know??? I got a strike on my next try! I warned him it was a fluke.

Then he went and didn’t do so well. Then I went and hit some pins. Then he went and suddenly it was clear that I was beating him and I could tell that was making him tense. So I threw two gutter balls. What can I say? There was no way I was going to beat this guy at his own game.  On his next time up he got his grove back and pulled out ahead. Somehow, with his coaching, I managed to break 100! I was so excited I did a happy dance.

We bowled another game and I broke 100 again.   It was time to sit down and talk little… and a “little” is all it turned out to be.  The conversation did not flow freely.  I don’t know why.. maybe it was because I brought up TV shows and he said he didn’t like TV except for the serial killer shows.. gulp. At that moment I made a conscious decision not to drink the water he brought me over in a Dixie cup. The conversation grew more and more awkward. I’m not quite sure why, but I suggested that we bowl another game.

We did, and I unintentionally beat him. It was his fault really. I got a strike in the last box and thought that it made it his turn so not realizing, he went up and hit 9 pins. When he looked up and saw it was in my square he offered to reset the score and I told him no because I wouldn’t be able to bowl a 9 (as I demonstrated by throwing a gutter ball next). That 9 after my strike made my score 5 points over his, but I insisted I never would have won without his 9.

He went to the bathroom and I changed back into my shoes. Then it got awkward because I suggested we talk some more, I mean I hadn’t gotten to know anything about him except  that Criminal Minds, Dexter, and The Mentalist are probably on his DVR.. he didn’t seem enthusiastic about talking. Now I would have taken this to mean that he wasn’t interested in me which would have been fine, except for the fact that every time I got a spare he would hug me and every time I got a strike I would get a hug and a kiss on the head… hmm. Kinda weird for a first date, but I suppose it wouldn’t have been if he were the right person. When he walked me to my car I kept thinking WWMWD (what would Michael Westen do? google Burn Notice if you don’t know who that is..).

He moved in for a hug goodbye and then… ladies and gentlemen.. he made the quick head move to kiss me on the lips… stolen kiss!! I quickly pulled away and said “Gee,” (yes, I actually used the word gee) “You’re very affectionate!” To which he replied, “I am?” and that was pretty much the date.

Perhaps I need some dating advice.. feel free to leave some in the comment section.

HAVE I GAINED WEIGHT?!?!? Things I Would Never Say To A Guy

I put on a pair of jeans today that I’d accidentally put in the dryer. Man! I almost had to whip out the old wire hanger to pull up the zipper. Then I had to do a couple of squats to break them in a little. Nine hours later they are still close to suffocating me. It doesn’t help that I’ve had 4 bottled waters.

Anyway, I told a friend about my battle with the “button” (which luckily did not pop off) and she asked if I’d gained weight. I said, “No! I lost jean elasticity… or whatever dryers steal from anything that’s not polyester.” It never crossed my mind that I’d gained weight, and even if I’d put on 1 pound (which in someone of my size is actually noticeable), I wouldn’t have the look of horror in my eyes that she had.  It got me thinking about things I would never say to a guy and why…

1. Do I look fat? I would never ask that because I know I don’t. I also know that there is no good answer that a guy could give to that question, and I don’t believe in setting anybody up for failure, especially someone I care about.

2. Do you want to watch The Real Housewives of (insert city): I would never ask that because I’m pretty sure the kind of guy I’m looking for would NEVER watch a “Housewives” reality show… and if he did, it would be one of those guilty pleasures that I would not call him out on, but instead would act as if I didn’t realize he was watching. Seriously, I’m sure it just happened to be on Bravo when he walked into the room, and he couldn’t find the remote, so he left it on as he perused his Outdoorsman catalogue.

3. Fold your own laundry! I would never say that because I LOVE folding men’s laundry, especially when it’s still warm… need I say more? Didn’t think so.

4. Well, THAT didn’t last long. Umm excuse me… I’m talking about his interest in his latest hobby, because I believe that until you find what you’re passionate about, you keep trying new things. But let’s say I wasn’t. Let’s say I meant what YOU thought I meant. I would not say that, because I’d rather choose to be flattered, and think that it was because I’m so smashing AND I am a kind person, so I just wouldn’t say something emasculating like that.

5. Can you PLEASE turn off the football game so we can spend quality time together. Never would I say that.. AND I would expect the same in return. DO NOT DISTURB while I’m watching football… unless the Giants are being killed by the Eagles in which case PLEASE make out with me!!! Seriously, I LOVE football. I love it in the house, I love it a bar. I love it at the stadium, I love it in a car (on the radio). This will never be an issue for the sports fans out there.

6. It is thinning, have you considered Rogaine? I’m just going to say this, and it will certainly be a deal breaker for many of the guys out there, but the closest thing I’ve had to plastic surgery was getting a mole removed. My guy will get what God gave me… luckily, God was pretty generous.. my point being, I would never suggest a guy take drugs to alter his appearance. I would probably freak out if he wanted a surgical procedure that required him to be under anesthesia for vanity reasons. But like in any partnership, you discuss, and ultimately, it’s his choice. Note: I happen to think shaved heads are very sexy!!!

7. I’ll just have a salad. Yeah.. not one of those girls who doesn’t eat. I have an ex whose favorite story to tell about me, was when he took me to a diner and I ordered a burger and fries, ate it all, and was still hungry. He said (jokingly), “So get another burger.” So I did.. and finished that too and ALL the fries. I know, impressive. That said, in recent years, I’ve been forced to eliminate gluten, sugar, and caffeine from my diet, which can get challenging at some restaurants. It hasn’t affected me at home because I can buy gluten free bread & pasta… and I stopped crying about not having cupcakes about 3 years ago. Oh, and while I’m in sharing mode, I don’t drink alcohol either, except for the very occasional glass of champagne which I love!  Note: about half a glass can put me on the floor, so keep an eye on me if we’re in public!

8. Buy me something expensive. Madonna may be a material girl, but I am not. Yes, I like nice things, but I don’t care how much they cost. In fact, you can ask the guy who sat at the bar next to me last Saturday night what the fastest way to end a conversation with me is,  and he will tell you, “Tell her you have a place on the beach… then when she moves away from you, move closer and invite her to go out with you and your friends on an 82 foot boat…” Again, not that I have a problem with a beach house or a big boat, just that he  felt his best way of luring me in was impressing me with “things” as opposed to being an impressive person. I don’t care what kind of vehicle a guy drives as long as it’s safe. I don’t care if a guy buys me things, I prefer that he tickle my back every day. I think you get the point.

9. No, you can’t go to Vegas with your friends. I would never say that. It is important to me that my guy has guy friends to do guy things with. I have girl friends and I like to spend time with them.  So, while he’s in Vegas (or hunting, or golfing, or in a drum circle in New Mexico), I will be on a spa get away. And yes, I am secure enough with myself and trusting enough in any man I love, to embrace his desire for a Vegas trip. Note: Guys with gambling addictions need not apply. 2nd Note: If I ever did say this to a guy, he should know that our relationship is nearing the end because trust is probably the  thing I value most in a relationship and would be the only reason I’d have a problem with it.

10. You should read 50 Shades of Grey. Oh good Lord what this book has done to my married friends.. and a few single ones too. I would NEVER ask a guy to read this book, for too many opinionated reasons to mention here… unless of course you ask me in the comment section, but that could get more heated than talking politics! I don’t think much of the fictional, Christian Grey, and I certainly wouldn’t want a guy like him.  I’ll pass on grey… I prefer color, not complication! I know, I know, that’s not the part that the gals want the guys to read, but none the less, if it gets to the point where literature is necessary, I will gladly write him an extremely personalized short story.

I imagine this was a pretty good entry for sorting men out. Those who are still reading and are still interested, can go to the Date Request page…

Superman… My Hero

If you go to Wikipedia to look up Superman, the first sentence reads: Superman is a fictional character, a comic book superhero, who appears in comic books published by DC Comics.  A fictional superhero, indeed, but I’ve had some real life Supermen in my life.  Like in every superhero movie, for the women who love them, there are pros and cons. But isn’t that true for any man? Or, is it as simple as every man IS a superhero, you just have to be willing to see him.

I bring this up, because my dating “blog” has been met with a lot of resistance from guys who say they want to ask me out, but not like “this”. The resistance is either coming from “not wanting to be written about in a blog” or “not wanting to take me out on a movie inspired date”.

Here’s the thing… the man I’m going to fall in love with, won’t have a problem with either, and frankly, there’s no pressure because I am in no rush for him to find me. Here’s why…

I’ve had a Superman in my life since the day I was born. I would imagine that every man out there who has ever held his daughter for the very first time, prays that she will love, admire, and adore him the way I do my dad. From a young age, I remember my dad going to work in his suit and tie, like Clark Kent. And while he didn’t necessarily disappear into a phone booth to turn into Superman, he was as humble and private about his heroics.

My dad has always made me feel safe, protected, and taken care of. Clearly he raised me to stand on my own two feet, to speak my mind, and to go after my dreams, but he also taught me by example, the meaning of partnership, compromise, and loyalty. My mom and dad are in their 49th year of marriage, and have set the bar high. This hasn’t made it difficult for me to find a man, on the contrary, it made it crystal clear what I want in a relationship. And as I said previously, I’ve had some Supermen in my life, who I still care about to this day. I’ve had a couple of Jokers too, but that’s to be expected, right?

I don’t have any “clocks ticking” or self-imposed timelines. I’m in no rush because I’ve always believed that when the time was right, I’d find my soulmate, or he’d find me. Is this blog the answer? I don’t know. What I do know is that I’ve never met a superhero over coffee or out to dinner. I’ve met superheroes while they were in their element, that’s when I see the best in a man, when he’s doing something that he’s passionate about, something that exhilarates him. My first crush happened at the ice rink, watching him play hockey. To this day I’m a terrible ice skater unless I have a hockey stick in my hand. He taught me well. My first love was a superhero on the football field. I couldn’t wait for weekends to watch him play. Another superhero of mine was a writer. I loved reading and discussing his scripts, and his creativity inspired me constantly.

This blog is about me sharing what I’m passionate about; love and story telling. The dates are about men sharing with me, what they are passionate about. That’s it. If this is not for you, no problem. And don’t worry about whether I will like what you like. I had a guy tell me he loves going to the shooting range. I told him, “Perfect, a Mr. & Mrs. Smith date.” This is only a first date. If it goes well, there’s plenty of time to do things that I come up with. For those of you who have questions about me before asking me out, ask away.

There’s a comment box below to ask about me…


I must admit, I had my doubts about this one. My date called me the night before and said, “I really don’t want to do this ‘movie thing’ I’m taking this very seriously and want to take you out on a real date for dinner.” I responded, “I can’t take a guy seriously who’s not interested in taking what I’m doing seriously. I’m not interested in going out for a typical dinner. I want to get to know you by going on a date that reveals something about you and your interests.” I wasn’t harsh, I was honest. There is a method to my madness and it was proven on this date!

He suggested a few activities: golf range, batting cages, drive in movie. I told him I’d do whatever he wanted. “But I want you to like it,” he said. I assured him, if he was doing something he liked, I would enjoy it.

Date day, he calls me. “We’re going on a Color of Money date.” Okay, pool I figured. Still at this point assuming he was more focused on doing something to entertain  me rather than something that meant something to HIM.

My doubts began to subside when I met him outside of the bar and noticed he was carrying a leather case with his own pool stick. You don’t own your own pool stick if you’re not into pool. Good start!

We walked into the bar and I was immediately hit with the familiar sound of Toby Keith. This was a dive bar that played country music! I am officially all in on this date! I decided Whiskey was appropriate, so I ordered a Dirty Virgin Whiskey Sour. The waitress thought I was a crazy person when I whipped out my recipe card.

Turns out Vincent has been playing pool since he was a little boy. He loves it and he’s good at it. He was teaching me the basics; how to rack, how to break, how to chalk my stick. You have to understand, for someone who is used to being in “control” it was really nice to have a guy take the lead (another benefit to these types of dates- new territory).

I’m actually a pretty good pool player myself, he learned… then he learned that I’m actually a pretty good cheater. It didn’t take him long to realize that when he walked away to take a sip of his beer, I was sneaking balls into the pockets. On the other hand, it took me a little longer to realize the reason he kept walking away to drink his beer was because he was hiding his cigarettes.

Other than his smoking, the date was going well. He made me laugh, a lot! He was also using lines from the movie (I didn’t know it well enough, but was really happy that he had chosen a movie that meant something to him). We attempted to attract some players over to our table so we could “hustle them,” but I think showing up with your own pool stick is a bit of a give away.  I was given a nickname, (how often does that happen on a first date? See? Bonding!) he was calling me Shot Blocker (could’ve been worse right 😉 ). Apparently I have a knack, even without any skill, for landing the cue ball in a nest of my balls leaving him with no shot at all. While he kept insisting I was a skilled player, I kept reassuring him that there is a difference between “luck” and skill, and the only thing I was bringing to the table was luck.

He taught me how to play 9 ball which I really enjoyed, except that it made it impossible for me to cheat (other than blocking certain pockets with various body parts). Then Madonna’s Lucky Star came on and he shared that it is one of his favorite songs. It was one of those moments like when a guy tells you that his favorite movie is Steel Magnolias. I couldn’t stop laughing. My tough pool hustler is an early Madonna fan.

But there was an elephant in the room that had to be addressed. I won’t date a smoker. Yes, I realize this is probably going to cut out 3/4 of the men in Florida.  The bottom line for me is that I live an extremely healthy lifestyle. Not only do I not want to be around cigarette smoke, I want to be with someone who values health. I’m looking for the One, and as I’m starting later in my life, I’d like him to be around for a while. Vincent’s argument was that he could pull into a gas station for a pack of cigarettes, and by him doing so, the consequences of his pulling off the road could cause the car behind him to get into a fatal car crash. His point, “When it’s your time, it’s your time.” Sorry, Vincent, nice try, but I’m not buying into your philosophy.

His second argument was a bit more compelling. He had a tough shot and when he went for it, the cue ball bounced off the table and hit him in his cigarette pack… literally. If that big pack of cigarettes hadn’t been in his jeans pocket, his “boys” would have been very unhappy and our date would have taken a weird turn. Who needs to wear a cup when you’ve got a pack of Marlboros in your pocket?

But here’s where my reasons for “the movie date” theme really came into play. We’d been shooting pool for 2 hours. We were relaxed, focused on the activity, laughing, it had no awkwardness of a typical first date. Then I asked him how long he’d had his own pool cue (I found out that “stick” isn’t the general name for them). That’s when the conversation got serious. While I will respect his privacy as far as the details of our conversation, I can share that the nature of the conversation over the next hour was deeply personal. Because he took me on a date and shared an activity that meant something to him, it created the  space that allowed him to be vulnerable and in turn allowed me to be vulnerable. I have never had a conversation with someone like this on a first date. It was the kind of conversation that made me genuinely like him. I know if we had been sitting across from each other in a restaurant booth, I never would have seen this side of him.

After three hours of pool he asked if I wanted to go to a diner and get something to eat. Apparently there is a diner scene in the movie. We went, but the diner was closed, though he got an A for effort.

At the end of the date I kissed him on the cheek. Mints or no mints, I just can’t get past the smoking, although after this date I wish I could. He joked that he’d quit, but I firmly believe a person has to quit because they’re ready not because they’re doing it to get a second date. That said, he sent me a very sweet text when I got home asking for a second date. I’m still on the fence…

Feel free to offer your advice in the comment section below.

Dave Letterman’s Top Ten Reasons You Should Go On A Date With Jessica

Number 10: When else are you going to use that Groupon you bought for trapeze lessons? (It seemed like a good idea when you bought it, but going alone just seems strange. Now a Water For Elephants date can make you instantly normal!)

Number 9: You need a good excuse to punch the crap out of yourself. (Don’t worry, what Jessica sees on a Fight Club date, stays on the Fight Club date… except for the stuff she blogs about.)

Number 8: She’s always fantasized about dating Jason Bourne, and you’ve always fantasized about being him. (Let’s face it, if you can figure out how to pull off a Bourne movie date, you are already the coolest guy on the planet!)

Number 7: She has never been hunting and looks great in camouflage. (Although you may want to tell her that her gun is loaded, but not actually load it.)

Number 6: You bought a Hans Solo costume when Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith came out, and hate that the only time you get to wear it now is Halloween. (You’ve also have a Princess Leia fantasy since the 70s and want to see if Jessica can pull off the hairstyle.)

Number 5: You’ve always wanted to be treated like a rockstar, and the girls at the karaoke bar just don’t get you. (Jessica knows every hairband song from the eighties and will scream in the front row for you on a Rock of Ages date. And yes, she will dress like a groupie if requested.)

Number 4: You need a hot date for your 30-year high school reunion. (She will go on a Romy & Michele’s High School Reunion date with you and even pretend you invented something you didn’t.)

Number 3: You can be Almost Famous! (She is blogging about the dates, but she won’t use your name, your picture, or make you look bad. In fact, the women of the world may ALL fall in love with you when you choose a rockin’ date!)

Number 2: It annoys you when you take girls to see the Dolphins games, and they ask you why it has to be so violent. (An Any Given Sunday date won’t make Jessica squirm. Growing up a Giants fan, she remembers clearly the day LT ended Joe Theismann’s career and didn’t have to cover her eyes when it was replayed in The Blindside. And to make her even sexier, she met Joe Theismann and didn’t have to ask any guys who he was.)

And the Number 1 reason you should go out on a date with Jessica: Because when you’re doing something you love on a first date, it’s easy to be yourself, and dang it, IT’S FUN! (There had to be one mushy one, this is ultimately about falling in love, people!)

Come on, take a risk! Put yourself out there! Go to the Date Request Page and submit your idea for a movie date with Jessica!


Okay, I admit it.. I borrowed the dress. Solitaire was the female lead in my date’s chosen movie and she was a tarot card reader. I looked at some pictures of Jane Seymour and hit my wardrobe. I went over the top at first: sparkly scarf on my head, layers of chunky necklaces, big funky earrings. I was texting my friend Ruby pictures of possible outfits and finally she said, “You look like a girl going to a costume party as a fortuneteller. I will dress you. Come over!” So I did, and she dressed me, gave me some extra jewelry, and of course “The Pep Talk.” It’s a little nerve-wracking going out on my first date, even if it happened to be with someone I knew from a long time ago. Ruby was as giddy about my date as I was, after all, who doesn’t want to go out with James Bond?

Being the first of my 50 First Dates, I was glad to have the comfort of being taken out by someone I had some history with… yes, we kissed in high school, yes, we’ve run into each other in various states through similar paths through the years, and yes, now he’s settled in Florida. But this is getting real!!! I mean look at me, I have put it out there to the world that I am going on 50 first dates! You know when you have that feeling in your stomach and you’re not sure if it’s butterflies or bats? That’s me right now.

So, here’s how it went down… Bond picked me up (as I said, I knew him, so it was okay for me to be picked up) and as soon as he stepped out of his car, I knew he was into it. He had on the cool shades, the black button down shirt (on a 90+ degree day) and the fancy shoes… very MI6!

Live or Let Die has a speedboat chase in the swamps of New Orleans, so Bond arranged for us to take an airboat ride in the Everglades.  This was definitely a new experience for me. We saw a few alligators and a giant snapping turtle, and when I say “saw,” I mean they surfaced right next to the boat, right next to ME!  You know when you watch The Bachelor and they go on those dangerous dates, yet you know nothing’s going to happen because they’re on TV? Well, these boats are shallow, people… that gator head was close to my arm, and suddenly, I had the feeling that I might be on TV too… the evening news! You can insert your own breaking news headline. I had to be brave though, for James’ sake… after all he was sweating to death in his black shirt under the midday Florida sun, “All for the cause,” he said.  Luckily, I still have all my body parts, he didn’t succumb to heat stroke, and I managed to get out of the boat only twisting my ankle once. Heels in an airboat? “All for the cause.”

When our ride was over, Bond tipped the Captain from his fancy Bond-like money clip, (he mentioned he’d brought gadgets, so I kept an eye out for them) and we made our way back to his car.  I noticed it was already on with the air conditioner blowing. 007 has a car that he can turn on before getting in… Cool!

His next plan was to take me to get my tarot cards read. He asked if I’d ever had them read… I had. After sharing my tarot card experiences with him, he decided it was better to skip the cards. I’m sure you want to know all about my tarot card experiences, so let’s just leave it at: listening to tarot card readers has led me to making some bad choices in my life. He adapted his plan quickly. His next move; time to do what Bond does best… casinos!

We arrived at the Hard Rock Casino and when we got to the elevator, two random guys with a cooler were waiting. When the door opened, the cooler flipped over and ice, beer, and liquor bottles were all over the floor. Bond was about to help, when he whispered to me, “Diversionary tactic.” We left the two potential bad guys to clean up their own mess and took a different elevator.  But not before I stopped to snap a picture for my readers. I loved that he was having fun with this!  Immediately, Bond hit the Wheel of Fortune machine and by the time he was done, he broke even.  I was glad. I certainly didn’t want him to lose all his money on our date.

Next we hit the bar… he wouldn’t be James Bond without a martini. I, of course, wanted to join him, so he had the bartender make me a Dirty Virgin Martini (that’s the non-alcoholic version I invented).

It was fun catching up. We talked about music. He wanted to know my favorite bands by decade. I think I threw him when I told him my favorite band from childhood was The Monkees. He was not surprised at all that my next two favs were Sean Cassidy and Andy Gibb. He said he thought their posters were what Farrah Fawcett posters were to guys, back then. Good analogy Mr. Bond.

Then we talked classic rock, 80’s hairbands, and of course he wanted to know how I went from Metallica and Bon Jovi to my new love… Country. I explained my seamless transition over a Cajun Shrimp salad…the meal, paying tribute to the Cajun cooking of New Orleans. He really did put thought behind every detail of the date!

I have to say, this date went beyond my expectations! We had so much fun. And as we walked back to his car he said, “What a magical little day off from life.” Awwwww! Of course then I had to stop and write down his quote for the blog. When I shared this with two girlfriends, one said, “Way to be in the moment, Jess.” The other chimed in, “Yeah, the poor guy is being completely romantic and you break the mood by whipping out your iPhone notepad.” I laughed through the guilt… lesson learned.

While the idea of a rekindled relationship from the past is always a romantic scenario, I don’t think romance is “in the cards” for us. Now a rekindled friendship, that’s another story. Bond is definitely a keeper for some lucky woman. Something tells me I’m about to make a lot of new single girl friends who are looking for their own Leading Man…

Superheroes, Action Stars, Spies… Oh,My!

Wow! As a girl, I didn’t see this coming. I suppose I should have, but I didn’t. I’ve been putting the word out to friends to set me up, explaining my 50 First Dates concept. Apparently, for as much as I’ve always wanted the romance of the movies, guys have equally wanted to live the life of a Superhero, Action Star, or Spy.

Perhaps their movies are being swayed, knowing that I’m going to be blogging about the dates and instead of using their true identity, I will only be referring to them by their “movie character’s” name.

My first date is with James Bond, and he’s practically giddy about it! I mean he is super excited that he got the first date and will from here on out, be known to you, my readers, as Bond.

Now that I write it, he’s right. That’s pretty cool! I don’t imagine I’ll have many Revenge of the Nerds date requests… who wants to be publicly referred to as Booger?

A question that keeps coming up is, “What happens if you meet “the One” on date number 18?” (The number changes depending on who’s asking, but you get the drift.) THIS is a high-class problem. I expect to meet many amazing guys, and I plan to go on multiple dates with some. I hope with all of my heart that I DO meet the One. And when that happens… well lucky for me, Guy Ritchie did a film called Swept Away and Kathy Hoffman, is an amazing website designer who can have a new title up in no time 🙂 .

Another question is, “What are you looking for in a man?”  This is always hard for me to answer because when I’ve met guys with whom I’ve connected, it just felt right… But that’s not enough to give you to go on, so understanding that chemistry is something that is either there or isn’t there, here’s a starting point: The man I’m hoping to meet is a gentleman who is kind, intelligent, can make me laugh, and lives a healthy lifestyle.  He is successful at whatever career he has chosen for himself, but understands that life outside of work should be filled with the same motivation and passion he has for his job.  And most importantly, he should have a life he loves living now, with friends and family surrounding him.  I don’t want to be the thing that makes his life good, I want to be the addition that makes his good life great!”



This blog was created March 18, 2013. Before today there was a very different ABOUT PAGE, but more than 2 years have gone by so I’m changing this section. As you can see I’ve been on 18 dates (2 turned into more of a relationship). Originally the dates were the guys choice, he would pick an adventure/date and a movie that tied it in, but that intimidated a lot of guys. So to maintain the anonymity of the men and continue my blog, I will go on dates and figure out what movie it reminds me of and use the characters name to protect the innocent.

Wish me luck!


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